Stories of Choice
These are the stories of women and girls, men and boys in the communities we serve.
Coffee ceremonies and safe motherhood in Amhara, Ethiopia
SafeHands’ new brand partnership with Essina Wholefoods will promote maternal nutrition in Amhara.
For the past 16 years, we’ve seen the impact they have on the lives of women, families, and communities around the world.
Taking to the Airwaves
“Maternity waiting homes make childbirth safer by making sure you have the caring hands of a midwife, near no matter what time you go into labour.” This is the message broadcast across the radio airwaves in Amhara, Ethiopia.
Why Haymanot decided to visit a maternity waiting home
“I came here to receive support and reduce any birth risks including bleeding.” explains 35 year old and new mother Haymanot.
Changing lives with safe motherhood information
In Ethiopia, our project “Labour at the Last Mile” has changed lives by providing pregnant women in hard-to-reach areas with safe motherhood information and by building community support.